Eight counties | 36 cities | one region

a voluntary council of local governments
serving the missouri meramec area.

April 2017 Press Releases

“Personal Finance 101” workshop planned May 18 for Cuba, Steelville

“Budgeting Basics” workshop planned May 18 in Owensville

Planning meeting scheduled for developing Dent County Hazard Mitigation Plan

State Homeland Security grant period open until May 12

MRPC offers speed awareness monitor trailer to communities in the Meramec Region

MRPC delivers federal legislative priorities to D.C. Discusses importance of EDA, CDBG, DRA, USDA to rural areas

MRPC delivers federal legislative priorities to D.C. Discusses importance of EDA, CDBG, DRA, USDA to rural areas

MRPC delivers federal legislative priorities to D.C. Discusses importance of EDA, CDBG, DRA, USDA to rural areas