Eight counties | 36 cities | one region

a voluntary council of local governments
serving the missouri meramec area.

MRCF awards community grant to Pulaski County Salvation Army

For immediate release

For more information, contact

Maria Bancroft at (573) 265-2993


The Salvation Army of Pulaski County was one of six recipients of community grant awards from the Meramec Regional Community Foundation (MRCF) this year. The$250 mini grant will be used by the organization to assist with food and shelter needs in the community. Above, Richard Baptiste accepts the donation on behalf of the Salvation Army.

The grants aim to enhance and build stronger communities in the Meramec Region, and MRCF board members chose the recipients from a total of 11 applicants.

For more information about MRCF, contact Maria Bancroft at mbancroft@meramecregion.org.