Eight counties | 36 cities | one region

a voluntary council of local governments
serving the missouri meramec area.

Meramec Regional Community Foundation scholarship applications now open through March 16

For immediate release

For more information, contact
Bonnie Prigge or Caitlin Jones

ST. JAMES— Students across the Meramec Region can now apply for $1.7 million in scholarships administered by the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. Students can apply for multiple scholarship opportunities at cfozarks.org/applyforscholarships. Deadline for applications is March 16.

Students in the Meramec Region can access the following Meramec Regional Community Foundation scholarships through the CFO website. 

Many scholarships are specific to students in certain counties or high schools. The following scholarships are available to students in the Meramec Region – Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties: 

  • • Richard and Jeanne Cavender Scholarship for Public Service
  • • Koch-Lange Family Scholarship Fund

The following scholarships are available to graduating seniors in Pulaski County:

  • • Cole-Mahan Scholarship Fund 
  • • The Claude and Irene Morgan Scholarship Fund

The following scholarships are available to Maries County R-II/Belle High School graduating seniors:

  • • Dalton Newton Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • • The Ruth and Gene Ridenhour MD Scholarship Fund
  • • Belle Lions Club Memorial Scholarship in memory of David R. Sassmann Fund
  • • Party/Butler Family Scholarship Fund
  • • Mae, Grace, and George Bacon Scholarship Fund
  • • Alan D. and Yvonne L. Skouby Scholarship Fund
  • • Maries County R-II School Foundation Community Scholarship Fun
  • • The Ruth and Gene Ridenhour MD Scholarship Fund 2
  • • Ted and Edna Leffler Scholarship Fund
  • • Maries County R-2 PTO Scholarship Fund, and
  • • Kaeding-Winter Scholarship Fund

Belle High School graduating seniors can also apply for the Schierloh Family Fund for Maries County R-II Schools and the Carolyn Holt Education Fund through the Belle High School counselor.

Graduating seniors who plan to attend State Technical College of Missouri, regardless of location, may apply for the Schierloh Family Fund for State Technical College of Missouri through State Technical College of Missouri.

These scholarships are made possible through the generosity of donors. Anyone interested in establishing a scholarship to benefit graduating seniors in the Meramec Region or a specific school district can contact Bonnie Prigge at MRPC at 573-265-2996 or by email at bprigge@meramecregion.org.

The CFO and its regional affiliate foundations hold about 450 scholarship endowments that will provide about 950 scholarships for students across central and southern Missouri for the 2025–26 school year. 

The application period for CFO scholarships will close on Sunday, March 16. For more information, contact Beth Hersh at bhersh@cfozarks.org, or call 417-864-6199.

Formed in 1969, MRPC is a voluntary council of governments serving Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski and Washington counties and their respective cities. Mary Heywood, representing the unemployed, serves as chair of the board. A professional staff of 27 offers technical assistance and services, such as grant preparation and administration, housing assistance, transportation planning, environmental planning, ordinance codification, business loans and other services to member communities.

To keep up with the latest MRPC news and events, visit the MRPC website at www.meramecregion.org or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/meramecregion/.
