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serving the missouri meramec area.

CFO honors the Meramec Regional Community Foundation

For immediate release

For more information, contact

Louise Knauer, CFO, 417-864-6199; or lknauer@cfozarks.org

MRCF representatives, from left, Vicki Lange, Maria Bancroft, Vicki Nelson and Bonnie Prigge accept the award from CFO staff member Carol Silvey.

Springfield—The Meramec Regional Community Foundation received 2nd-place honors for Affiliate of the Year at the Community Foundation of the Ozarks’ annual Affiliate Appreciation Conference.

The MRCF was one of eight of the 49 affiliate foundations to receive first- or second-place honors at the April 19 conference. The award comes with $500 for the MRCF’s unrestricted grantmaking fund.

The winners were selected based on their efforts to present philanthropic programming and provide leadership in their communities; develop new funds; recruit and retain strong board members; and offer community grantmaking opportunities.

“Meramec is a strong example of our partnerships with regional planning commissions to align community development and philanthropic resources for the benefit of both in improving the quality of life in the Ozarks,” CFO President Brian Fogle said.

The Board of Directors is comprised of: Vicki Nelson, Chair (Maries County); Joanne Zap, Vice Chair (MRCF At-Large); Catie Ringeisen, Secretary/Treasurer (Crawford County); Mark Riefer (Phelps County); Doug Dunlap (Gasconade County); Cindy Merx (Washington County); Don Brackhahn (MRPC At-Large); Gary Brown (Dent County); Marilyn Odle (Pulaski County); Steve Vogt (MRPC At-Large); Bonnie Prigge (MRPC Executive Director); and Vicki Lange  (Osage County).

The MRCF, founded in 2010, holds more than 50 funds with assets of more than $790,000 million as of March 31.