Founded | 1901 |
County located in | Maries County |
Population | 1,384 (2022 ACS) |
Top Employers | Belle Counter Co., Belle State Bank, Kingsford Manufacturing |
Form of Government | Mayor & 4 Alderpersons |
Class of city | 4th |
Schools | Belle Public Schools |
Industrial Parks available in cities | None |
Attractions | Public Swimming Pool, Tennis Court, Parks, Golf Course & Fishing Lake, 8 miles to river access |
Transportation Access | Highways 28, 42 & 89 |
City Hall | 200 E. Third St., P.O. Drawer 813, Belle, MO 65013 Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Council meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. |
Contacts | Phone: 573-859-3513 Fax: 573-859-3821
Interim Mayor | James Mitchell |
Court Clerk | Sherree Burkholder |
City Treasurer | Charro Reasor |
City Clerk/Collector |
Aldermen | James Mitchell, Adam Padgett, Barb Howarth, Emily Williams |
Police Chief | |
Fire Chief/Emergency Management Director | Dwight Francis |
Municipal Court Judge | Kris Crews |
City Attorney/Prosecutor | Tony Skouby |
Public Works | Jason Lewis |
Building Inspector | Gary Gehlert |